Senior Environmental Scientist
Jerry Sawetz joined the RGI team in November of 2011 and has been working in the environmental field since 1998. His background includes over 20 years of experience in the environmental industry working primarily in the private sector, but also in the public sector as a contractor for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the late 1990’s. He has managed all aspects of environmental projects from inception to completion, including Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments, site characterization, remediation, hazardous waste disposal, vapor intrusion risk assessment and mitigation, and ultimately bringing sites to regulatory closure where contaminants have impacted soil, groundwater, soil vapor and/or air.
Mr. Sawetz’s currently focuses his efforts on the characterization and cleanup of complex sites. He has a thorough understanding of the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) and other applicable regulations and applies this knowledge to support our clients and bring sites to regulatory closure in an efficient manner. Over the course of his career, he has managed numerous projects to a No Further Action (NFA) status with the Washington Department of Ecology. He also has an in depth understanding of continually evolving vapor intrusion regulations and science and uses this knowledge to assess vapor intrusion risk on a site-specific basis, which has helped RGI’s clients avoid costly and unnecessary mitigation that occurs when the vapor intrusion risk is not evaluated properly.
School & Location | Degree | Year |
Ramapo College of New Jersey | BS in Environmental Science & BA in Environmental Studies | 1998 |
Other Qualifications
- WA State Site Assessor
- First Aid & CPR Certification
Continuing Education
- Fundamentals of Contaminant Chemistry and Applications in Subsurface Contaminant and Transport Remediation (NWETC), 2013
- Model Toxics Control Act Spreadsheets Workshop (NWETC)
- Establishing Soil, Groundwater, and Surface Water Cleanup under the Model Toxics Control Act, 2012
- Practical Guide to Vapor Intrusion (Blayne Hartman), 2015
- Vapor Intrusion Risk Pathway (Blayne Hartman), 2018
Melrose & Pine Development, Seattle, WA
This property was redeveloped as a multi-use residential complex after historically being occupied by an auto repair facility which contained underground storage tanks (USTs). Those historical uses were the source of contaminated soil and groundwater on the property. Mr. Sawetz directed the Phase I ESA and multiple subsurface investigations. Following the remedial investigation, Mr. Sawetz coordinated disposal of approximately 350 tons of contaminated soil and 8,000 gallons of contaminated groundwater. Following the successful cleanup action, long-term groundwater compliance monitoring was performed. As a result of these efforts, Mr. Sawetz worked with Ecology and the Client to obtain a No Further Action (NFA) determination for the property.
Four Corners Cleaners Development, Seattle, WA
Environmental liability and risk issues revolved around this site, which historically was occupied by two dry cleaning facilities. These were considered separate “sites” consisting of the current and formers dry cleaning locations. Soil and soil vapor were discovered during previous RGI investigations at the former site. Mr. Sawetz managed and prepared technical reports for this property that included a compliance review, subsurface investigations, Vapor Intrusion Assessment (VIA), remediation and disposal coordination. As a result of these efforts, Mr. Sawetz worked closely with Ecology and the Client in order to obtain NFA determinations for both the former and current sites.
Main Street Development, Bellevue, WA
This development was to be redeveloped as a multi-use residential complex but was historically occupied by not only gas stations, but an auto repair facility and dry cleaner as well. These uses were the source of contaminated soil and groundwater on the property. Mr. Sawetz managed and prepared the technical reports for this complex project. Environmental services included multiple subsurface investigations, vapor evaluations, UST assessment and decommissioning and remediation of contaminated soil. Mr. Sawetz coordinated disposal of approximately 1,500 tons of tainted soil and calculated site-specific cleanup levels for diesel-range total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) impacted groundwater. He also conducted a VIA to demonstrate that the remaining soil impacts beneath the structure did not pose a vapor intrusion concern for the building. Following the cleanup action, long-term groundwater compliance monitoring was performed. As a result of these efforts, Mr. Sawetz worked closely with Ecology and the Client to obtain a NFA determination with an Environmental Covenant from Ecology.
Augusta Apartments Development, Seattle, WA
This property was redeveloped as a multi-use residential complex. Mr. Sawetz provided comprehensive environmental services to investigate and remediate contaminated soil and groundwater due to gas stations and auto repair facilities being historical occupants for this project. His work included completing the initial subsurface investigations and performing UST assessment and decommissions, as well as the oversight for operation of the remediation system, which consisted of coordinating disposal of approximately 17,000 tons of contaminated soil. He also conducted a Feasibility Study & Disproportionate Cost Analysis (FS/DCA), groundwater monitoring and a VIA as well. Mr. Sawetz is working with Ecology and the Client with the objective of obtaining a Property-Specific NFA with Environmental Covenant for the property.
Publix Development, Seattle, WA
This development consisted of a former hotel that was remodeled as a multi-use residential complex. It was historically occupied by a steam heating plant and two USTs were encountered approximately 35 feet below street level during construction. Contaminated soil and groundwater were present on the property as a result of these USTs and/or other sources outside the UST locations. Mr. Sawetz has managed and prepared technical reports documenting various environmental services performed on this project. These services included UST decommissioning and site assessment, conducting multiple subsurface investigations and Interim Remedial Action (IRA). Mr. Sawetz coordinated the disposal of 25,000 gallons of contaminated groundwater and 1,850 gallons of sludge generated during vacuum excavation. He followed up with groundwater monitoring and evaluations of vapor intrusion pathways and forensics. Mr. Sawetz worked with the client providing ongoing support for the insurance claim and assistance with determining appropriate next steps for the project. Steps including remedial investigation, feasibility studies, and selection and implementation of cleanup action alternatives.
202 Westlake Avenue North, Seattle, WA
Mr. Sawetz performed a comprehensive review of previous reports and managed and developed scope of work for Cleanup Action including removal of soil impacted with petroleum constituents in three locations in conjunction with the redevelopment of the property and underground storage tank (UST) Decommissioning. Mr. Sawetz prepared all technical reports and worked with Ecology and the Client to bring the project to regulatory closure in the form of a Property-Specific No Further Action (NFA) determination with Ecology.
Former West Coast Bank Properties, Keizer, Dallas, and Molalla, OR
Mr. Sawetz performed a comprehensive review of previous reports and managed Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for each property. Mr. Sawetz managed and developed the scope of work for Remedial Investigation, Interim Remedial Action, UST Decommissioning, Groundwater Monitoring and/or Vapor Intrusion Assessment and conducted a Risk Assessment at each property in order to bring all three properties to regulatory closure in the form of NFA determinations from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).
Former Tower Records, Seattle, WA
Mr. Sawetz performed a comprehensive review of previous reports and developed scope of work and managed a Cleanup Action involving removal of petroleum contaminated soil from beneath the basement floor of the former Tower Records building in Seattle. This project required providing structural support for the building, utilizing limited access remedial excavation techniques and slot excavations backfilled with controlled density fill (CDF) in order to fully remedial soil within the property boundary and maintain the structural integrity of the building. Mr. Sawetz prepared all technical reports and worked with Ecology and the client to bring the property to regulatory closure in the form of a property specific NFA determination with Ecology.